1. Medical professionalism and complementary medicine:
European osteopathic doctors all have specific core competencies in the field of traditional medicine and their specializations. A widely accepted question is the interaction between medical professionalism and complementary medicine.
1.1. Charter of medical professionalism:
The Charter of Medical Professionalism is based on three main principles:
1.1.1. The well-being of the patient (“salus aegroti suprema lex”)
1.1.2. The patient’s autonomy
1.1.3. Medical and social fairness
1.2. Commitments to achieve these principles:
1.2.1. Professional competence
1.2.2. Honesty towards the patient
1.2.3. Confidentiality
1.2.4. Good patient-doctor relationship
1.2.5. Good quality of treatment
1.2.6 Removal of supply barriers
1.2.7. Cost effectiveness
1.2.8. Scientificness
1.2.9. Disclosure of conflicts of interest
1.2.10. Collegiality
1.3. Reliability in medical and osteopathic care:
1.3.1. Conscientious methods in diagnosis and therapeutic processes.
1.3.2. Continuous striving for profound medical knowledge and continuous advancement of knowledge.
1.3.3. Knowledge of your own limits in diagnosis and therapy.
1.3.4. Knowledge of the most important alternatives in diagnosis, therapy and their limits.
1.3.5. Informing the patient about the theoretical and empirical foundations for their own decision-making processes.
1.3.6. Respect for the patient regarding his individual priorities and decision-making processes.
1.3.7. No disproportionate prices for medical treatments.
1.3.8. No pretense of false chances of success for the purpose of a financial advantage or an ideal profit